Narodowe Centrum Nauki

wtorek, 19 lipca 2011

Results and impacts of research in the Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities (SSH) - Co-ordinator Survey (October-November 2010) for projects in Framework Programmes 6 and 7

To prepare the ex-ante impact assessment for the Common Strategic Framework for Research and Innovation in the field of Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities (SSH) it was decided to carry out a joint evaluation of results and impacts of the EU actions in Framework Programmes 6 and 7.

SSH project coordinators were invited to participate in a survey carried out between 21 October and 21 November 2010 in order to assess the most important outcomes of their projects in quantitative and qualitative terms. In this context the survey asked for information and estimates on several aspects like the purpose of the project, type of participants, results in terms of publications, employment effects, training, networking, additional sources of funding and achieved impacts.

This report presents an analysis of the responses given to this survey and provides estimates of envisaged total effects of the SSH programme.