Narodowe Centrum Nauki

wtorek, 3 sierpnia 2010

The World Is Your Lab on a Postdoc or Sabbatical Abroad

Chris Tachibana:...Graduate students dream of it and tenured professors get a shot at it every seven years... The chance to work abroad, either for postdoctoral training or a sabbatical, is one of the unique opportunities we have in science...

COMING HOMEPostdocs who want to return to their home country can easily apply for jobs online...

Well, in POLAND ... may be better watch what is going there...Anyway, a postdoc after a Postdoc or Sabbatical abroad is definitely something worse,and not a person of WORTH, because usually he/she is just Ph.D. holding, no HABILITACJA, no BELWERDERSKA PROFESURA .

Believe or not - these are MAIN qualifications to progresse in SCIENCE IN POLAND in XXI!